C : When I first met you you hadn't even
got married to Carina.
E : Yes.
C: Now you are the father of two.
E: A two and a half year old girl and
have a little boy who's 6 months old.
C: Imagine that! How has that changed
E : What can I tell you? It gives me a lump
in my throat because talking about the children
is... every time you talk about the children,
you are talking about the future of the human
race, you are talking about what we'd like
to talk about one day, you're talking about
what is going to happen, so .. that defines
the importance of the things you do now.
The present hadn't had this much importance
in my life as it has now. What am I doing
right now for them? What am I going to leave
them? What stories do I tell them? What life
weapons do I give them? And these two little
devils surprise us every day, thrill us,
make us cry.Carina and I are left speechless..
Well, how great having kids so as to learn
more things.They come to teach us.
C: So it's not only you who teaches
but they also teach you.
E: They teach you, they come to teach you.
They are other generations with other information,
with other experiences. |

C: Now that you are an adult, with all its
faults, with responsibilities like
two kids
and a marriage, does it still make
you sad
when people say you are a "galan"?
Because the first timeyou came you
told me:
I don't like this galan thing, what
is it?
What does it mean?
E: What is it? How do you define it?
Am I
a galan or not? Well then, call me
a gala.
Call me what you like, Idon't care.
C: That was good. Let's start by defining
it as everybody likes telenovelas and
What is a galan?
E: Look, what happens in this case
like now,
I've always defended my position as
an actor
so that people are accustomed to that
I believe that the audience, my audience
at least is used to the idea that i
can easily
change a lot and I disguise myself
and I
turn myself into this or into that
that's what I like about being an actor.
So I've always defended a bit more
the "actor"
than the "galan" because
it seems
to me a bit limiting and .. when you
no longer
have a sexual appeal on the audience,
that the end of your career? No. So
I think
that a galan is basically a person
from the
world of the telenovelas who appeals
to others,
who has a seductive power, the one
who makes
good triumph till the end and always
evil a lesson. That's more or less
the shape
of a telenovela and so I've always
that it would limit myself to lock
in that because I'm not who I am because
of them, I made myself in the theatre
in other things and I never thought
of that
till i started working on television. |

C: When you did Corazon Salvaje, the success
of that series, which was a classic, was
so great that I remember that It was then
that Iwas also starting my career in English
and went to interview Placido Domingo at
his apartment, in English and Placido and
hiw wife told me: "We are very worried
because we have to go and sing in Europe
and they are recording the episodes for me
so that I don't miss anything from CS. That
Placido Domingo, who is so grand, tells you
such a thing shows you how far you took that
series. How did you survive that and how
did it affect you?
E: I have two great stories. The first
is the one you just told. Placido Domingo
talked to me from Prague from backstage
said: "Palomo you make me..."
had never talked to him and he immediately
told me:"Palomo, what is going
on? I'm
here in Prague.., i'm going to singand
tapes haven't arrived yetand..? What
is going
to happen this week? I congratulate
you and
I like you a lot. And we became great
and this one..One day in the red zone,
Mexico City, i was eating tacos with
a friend
I think and suddenly:"Palomo,
Palomo", i turn around and Maradona
gets out of a car and tells me:"Palomo..
you are great"and I was left speechles.
C: Macho men watch telenovelas.. they should
admit it, come out with it.
E: .."But man, my grandma, my
my cousins, everybody adores you. You
divine" He kissed me, got in the
and disappeared |

C: That was Eduardo Palomo as a transvestite,
ladies. we just saw some scenes from
most recent film, which is called Cronica
de un Desayuno and tell me about Berlin
the festival.
E: Well, proud to be a mexican, we
took the
film to Verlin festival almost a couple
months ago and we won the Kaligari
which is an award , that the Berlin
gives to the film with the greatest
proposition, the most innovative of
the independent
section and well, we have been from
to festival. A film which was difficult
its creation because it's a film of
demands as you have seen. To give everything
nom atter what. there was no way of
not giving
100% in this kind of film.
C:How did you feel as a woman, ugly
or pretty?
E: well, carina says she thought I
was very
pretty looking, then you can imagine
it was
funny. The first day Carina saw me
as a woman, because she was at the
of the pregnancy, I took diiner up
to her
in a baby-dool and high heels.
C: Ay, Virgin Mary!
E: So she kept looking at me and told
Let's see. turn around, well yes, you
pretty looking. So she was fundamental
the character.
C: Why: For the way of walking, ........,
of not exaggerating the feminine side,
can come out as a lunatic, then that
the complicated part because this type
character is very easy to be done badly,
anyone can put on a wig an ..... as
we say.
C: We say the same thing.
E: And to make a real woman and put
her there
on the screen with a feminine sensibility
was a most complicated thing. |