La Mujer de Benjamin
This film is ranked at No.69 among the best 100 Mexican films
35 mm / Color / Stereo / 1991 / 107 min
Stills from the film |
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 ![]() |
Part 4 ![]() |
Direction: Luis Carlos Carrera
Script: Ignacio Ortiz / Luis Carlos Carrera
Screenplay: Ignacio Ortiz / Luis Carlos Carrera
Director of photography: Xavier Perez Grobet
Editors: Sigfrido Barjau / Oscar Figueroa
Music: Jose Amozurrutia / Alejandro Giacoman
Sound: Fernando Camara
Artistic Direction: Gloria Carrasco
Set Design: Gloria Carrasco
Make-up Artist: Rossy Duprat
Costumes: Gloria Carrasco
Locations: Mexico (Juchitepec)
Studios andLaboratories: Churubusco
Produced by:Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografia / Fondo
de Fomento a la Calidad Cinematografica /
Centro de Capacitacion Cinematografica /
Estudios Churubusco-Azteca
Producer: Gustavo Montiel
Cast: Eduardo Lopez Rojas, Arcelia Ramirez, Malena
Doria, Juan Carlos Colombo, Eduardo Palomo,
Ana Bertha Espin, Farnesio de Bernal, Luis
Ignacio Erazo, Ruben Marquez y Enrique Gardiel
It's the story of Natividad (Arcelia Ramirez), a 17 year-old girl, who
is bored with her life at home and with her
village and dreams of going around the world,
perhaps with the handsome lorry driver, Leandro (Eduardo Palomo) who frequents the area.
It's also the story of Benjamin (Eduardo Lopez Rojas), an older man who
is dominated by his sister and who is thought
to be the village's fool. Benjamin falls
in love with Natividad, and decides to abduct her with the help
of his friends.
Eduardo Palomo won an Ariel for Best Supporting
Actor for his role as Leandro.