Find out what some celebrities have said about Eduardo Palomo

(in Spanish and English)

KIRSTIE ALLIE "Considero a Eduardo como un gran poeta, ademas de que me parece un latino muy "caliente" - "I think of Eduardo as a great poet besides the fact that I think he is a very hot "Latin" man."(1996)

LETICIA CALDERON "Palomo es una persona integra, sincera, no es agresivo, defiende sus derechos y jamas se siente estrella. Es un gran amigo" - "Palomo is an upright, sincere person, he's not agressive, he defends his rights and he doesn't feel as a star"(1989)

KATE DEL CASTILLO "Si yo hago esta telenovela, seria mi maximo (mi sueno) trabajar con Palomo. Porque es un gran actor" - "If I do this telenovela, it would be my greatest dream to work with Palomo. Because he is a great actor."(1999).

ANA COLCHERO "Bueno, que me robe Palomo y que me robe Ariel Lopes Padilla. Los dos juntos, para no tener que decidir" - "Well, to be abducted by palomo or by Ariel Lopes Padilla. Both of them so that I won't have to decide."(1993)

EDITH GONZALEZ "Eduardo Palomo es una persona llena de vida que contagia su pasion y su simpatia a todo el equipo que trabaja junto a el. Es muy atractivo" - "Eduardo Palomo is a person full of life who passes on his passion and his affection to all the cast and crew who work with him. He is very attractive."(1994)

ALEJANDRO IBARRA "Bueno, yo admiro a un Jorge Russek , me parecia un gran actor... ? Y a Eduardo Palomo!... si, a el por como llega... y actua... bueno, para mi es un excelente actor" - "Well, I admire Jorge Russek, I thought he was a great actor. And Eduardo Palomo, yes him because of how he behaves and acts, well for me he is a great actor"(1998).

RICKY MARTIN "Al inicio de la grabacion me dieron muchos nervios, pero Eduardo Palomo, que es un angel, me dio muchas tecnicas que me han ayudado"- "At the beginning of the filming I was very nervous, but Eduardo Palomo who is an angel, gave me much technical advice which has helped me"(1992).

JOSE RENDON "Eduardo Palomo se sugeria seductor, pero lleno la pantalla. Y como es un actor de calidad, pues..." - Eduardo Palomo seems seductive, but he fills the screen. And as he is a quality actor, well..."(1994) .

CARINA RICCO "Me agarraria a Eduardo Palomo y lo volveria a "armar" igualito a como esta. Desde antes yo queria a un chavo como el" - "I would take Eduardo Plaomo and I would make him over exactly as he is. I've always wanted a man like him"(1996).

ANGELICA RIVERA "Mis mejores amigos son: Graciela Mauri, Fefi( su hermana) y Eduardo Palomo"- "My best friends are : Graciela Mauri, my sister and Eduardo Palomo."(1991)

RENE STRICKLER "Eduardo Palomo es muy humano y maravilloso, porque siempre se preocupa por los demas, tiene detalles y buena vibra". - "Eduardo Palomo is very humane and amazing, because he always worries about the others, he's not shallow and has a good aura (1999)

ARI TELCH "Palomo, es un hombre al que tengo en la mas alta estima y me une a el una profunda amistad y un sentimiento de respeto y agradecimiento por las multiples deferencias que ha tenido para conmigo a lo largo de mi vida personal y profesional" - "Palomo is a man whom I have the highest respect for and I'm united to him with a deepest friendship and a feeling of respect and gratitude for the many deferences he has had for me in my personal and prefessional life."(1995).